Our Work |
We’re a new kind of State Park cooperating association designed to take full advantage of the unique possibilities of State Parks in urban settings. We build upon the original grassroots efforts that created the three River Parks, as well as the strong existing relationships between our Parks and their surrounding communities. We support residents’ founding vision for these open spaces as well as their evolving needs.
We help guide advocacy, stewardship, and programming work at the Parks, and support our State Park staff with unmet needs and expenses. We also monitor neighborhood developments that may impact our Parks, working toward sound neighborhood solutions to protect and enhance park usage and access. Together with residents, community leaders, fellow nonprofit organizations, local businesses, elected officials, and our State Parks colleagues, we work collaboratively to facilitate and secure resources for such projects as:
Infrastructure Improvements and Amenities → Partnership with Anahuak Youth Sports Association for Playing Fields Restoration at Rio → Partnership with SEE-LA for New Farmers’ Market at LASHP → Partnership with State Parks for Zero-emission maintenance equipment at LASHP Habitat Creation and Stewardship → Partnership with Audubon at Debs Park for bird habitat and native plantings → Park Champions Volunteer Plantings with California State Parks Foundation → Workforce Development and Youth Training Programs and Events → Promotorx Community Outreach and Engagement Program → Partnership with UCLA for CiBiC, Civic Bicycle Community → Interpretive, wellness/nutrition, and cultural programs with community partners → First Friday Campfires → Annual Community Festivals Access and Advocacy → Ann Street Crosswalk, Broadway Bridge & Park Connectivity Infrastructure → Park Adjacent Development Watch → 100-Acre Partnership & Paseo del Rio See our events Calendar & join our Mailing List |